Downtown Dog Park *Click here for info!

400 South Second St. | Poplar Bluff, MO 63901

Two fenced-in areas, one for small dogs and one for larger dogs are located at 400 South Second Street, Poplar Bluff. The play areas also have obstacles for your pet to show off their skills and abilities. The Dog Park is overseen by the Downtown Poplar Bluff organization.

Large Play Area, Small Play Area

Dog of the Month Contest:
Poplar Bluff Parks and Recreation in partnership with Poplar Bluff Petco hold a monthly contest to recognize and celebrate local fur babies!

Enter your dog in the contest today by filling out the entry form found under the Programs tab.


Off-Leash Area Rules
1.The area is open sunrise to sunset.
2.All leash laws are in effect and in full force outside the leash area (Ord. No. 7165)
3.Dogs that exhibit aggressive behavior are not allowed in the park.
4. Dogs must be removed immediately from the park at first sign of aggression.
5. Dog owners/handlers assume all risk related to use of this facility.
6. All animal attacks on humans shall be reported immediately to the Poplar Bluff Police Department at 573-785-5776.
7. All dogs shall be vaccinated and wear a visible vaccination tag, including rabies on collar or harness.
8. No dog under the age of 4 months is allowed.
9. No sick, ill, or injured dogs allowed in the park.
10. Dogs in heat will not be allowed. (Ord. No. 7165)
11. Dogs must be under voice control and in view of their handler at all times.
12. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
13. Handlers must be a minimum of 16 years old.
14. A maximum of two dogs per handler will be allowed.
15. Owners/handlers must remove and dispose of all dog waste.
16. Owners/handlers are responsible to repair any grass damage.
17. No animals other than dogs shall be permitted in the park.
18. Dogs are to remain on a leash while entering and exiting.
19. Digging is strictly prohibited.
20. No climbing on or over fencing.
21. Gates must be kept closed except when entering and exiting.
22. This park is not to be used for professional training unless otherwise stated.
23. All city and park regulations are in full effect and in full force at this facility.
24. The breed described as pit bull/mix is NOT allowed. (Ord. No 7165)


Facility Type Parks and Amenities
Address Line One 400 South Second Street
Address Line Two
City, State, Zip Code Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Monday 08:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday 08:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 08:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 08:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 08:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 08:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday 08:00 AM - 6:00 PM
